A Message from the CEO


Thank you for visiting the Sapporo Restaurant Interior Design website.
My name is Yoshihiro Ono, and I am the representative of the National Interior Design Company Support Association.
I run this website and connect customers with restaurant interior design specialists across Japan.
There was a certain trigger that made me, a complete amateur in the interior design industry, want to be involved in this field.
Let me tell you a little bit about that.

Is it difficult to choose a restaurant interior design specialist?

About 10 years ago, before I launched this website, I received a call from a friend who lives in another prefecture.

"Can you find an interior contractor for me?" he suddenly asked me for help.

He had been steadily preparing to open his long-time dream of a "specialty gyoza restaurant."
I had heard that the plan was progressing smoothly, with funds saved and a location for the restaurant decided, but he was having difficulty choosing an interior contractor.

Creating your own restaurant is not something that individuals experience many times. I think it's an unknown challenge for most people.

Nevertheless, interior construction is not a cheap purchase that can be done for 100,000 or 200,000 yen.
Many people feel pressured to "not fail in choosing an interior contractor."
It is only natural to want to take your time and carefully choose a contractor.

However, the time before opening a restaurant is incredibly busy.
You have to go through the process of obtaining a business license for the restaurant, procure cooking utensils and tableware, develop the menu, and research dishes. It seems my friend was having a very hectic time every day.

While I readily agreed to help, at that time I just thought, "Opening a restaurant is tough."

The excitement of building a restaurant from scratch

I compared and considered several renovation companies on behalf of my friend and chose one that I thought would be a sure bet.

And out of a sense of responsibility for having chosen them and curiosity about creating a restaurant, I decided to be present during the interior construction.
As the work began, counters and chairs were placed in the empty space, and the restaurant gradually began to take shape. Watching this process, I became excited to visit the site, even though it wasn't my own restaurant.

What particularly impressed me were the professional eyes and skills of the contractors.

When they were making the sign, they gave advice such as:

  • It would be more noticeable from a distance if it protruded further out towards the street.
  • It would be more eye-catching if it were raised a little higher.

When my friend said he wanted a "curved counter," they listened carefully to his request and offered alternative suggestions, explaining that it would be difficult with the materials and budget, instead of simply dismissing it as "impossible" or "an amateur's idea," which I was very grateful for.

Also, when they said, "Since heat control is important for gyoza, it's better to check if the gas pipe can handle it," I was filled with admiration and gratitude for pointing out something I hadn't even considered.

And so, with the help of the contractors' knowledge and experience, my friend's gyoza restaurant was completed.
My friend was looking at the restaurant with a truly happy smile.
He must have been deeply moved, as his dream restaurant had come true.
And I, who was supposed to be an outsider, also felt a joy that made my heart beat faster.
I was very impressed that the restaurant my friend had envisioned in his mind had actually been realized, and that it had been embodied in such a powerful and lively way by the skills of the contractors.

I wanted to help more people create their own restaurants

I was so impressed by the wonderful experience of creating a restaurant that I became interested in the restaurant interior design business, and as I learned more, I realized that there are many people who have had unfortunate experiences with restaurant construction.

  • I thought it would be cheap, but unexpected additional construction costs were incurred, and it ended up being expensive.
  • The contractor did not meet the deadline, and the opening was delayed.
  • The construction work was sloppy, and it took time and money to repair.

It's really unfortunate that what should be the happiest experience of creating a restaurant turns into a sad memory.
I wondered if there was anything I could do to reduce the number of people who have such regrets, and that's how I decided to get involved in the restaurant interior design business myself.

I'm sure you have both anxieties and expectations.
I would be happy if you could share all of your thoughts with me.
I think I can understand your feelings a little from my experience in being involved in creating restaurants like this.
Leave the difficult and time-consuming task of choosing an interior contractor to me.

I will take responsibility for finding the perfect interior contractor for your restaurant, one who will create a restaurant that is even better than you imagined. You should concentrate on what only you can do.
And I would be happy if you could share the joy and excitement of creating your restaurant with me and the contractors in the end.

For questions and consultations, please use the inquiry form.